1. Download iOS 4 for your iPod Touch
2. Download redsn0w 0.9.5b5-3. It’s available for both Mac and Windows.
Mac OSX (x86)
3. Download and install iTunes 9.2
4. Connect your iPod Touch to your computer and using iTunes, upgrade to iOS 4. Do this the official way as described here.
5. Now that you have iOS 4 final build on your iPod Touch, you’ll have to jailbreak it by using the iOS
4 GM build with redsn0w 0.9.5 Beta 5. Click browse and point it to iOS 4 firmware [Download iOS 4]and follow the instructions on screen. Remember to enable battery percentage, wallpapers and multitasking.
6. One you’re done, your iPod Touch should reboot. Remember to add this repo to cydia.
Enjoy your newly jailbroken iPod Touch with iOS 4!
Taking Your iPod touch to the Max (Technology in Action)