Apr 29, 2010

Avoid typing password Whenever you type the command sudo

Avoid typing password Whenever you type the command sudo If you have experience of working on the command line in Ubuntu then you are probably familiar with the sudo command, whenever you run the sudo command as a non root user then the system prompts you to enter the administrator’s password. This is a seriously annoying process.

Here is a simple tip to remove the requirement to type your password each time you use sudo.

Ok, so the next thing we're going to do is become root. Type:

$sudo su -l

Then type:


Scroll down the line:

%admin ALL=(ALL): ALL

And change it to


And save and exit with Ctrl+o and Ctrl+x.

This will be literally saving your time and increase productivity.

Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (Expert's Voice in Linux)