ShotWell officially became the Ubuntu built-in photo management software.
Now, Shotwell 0.8.0 has been officially released, the main new features are as follows:
-Video support for most major video formats, including importing them off of camera and adding them to events and tags.
-Publish videos to major Web services, including YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and PicasaWeb.
-Runtime monitoring of library directory and auto-import of newly created files.
-Background writing of metadata (tags, titles, ratings, orientation, and exposure date) to master files (user-configurable).
-Flagging photos for batch operations.
-Set multiple photos to desktop background slideshow.
-Numerous translation updates.
-Various bug fixes.
Install Shotwell 0.8.0 in Ubuntu:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install shotwell