May 22, 2010

Crack MD4, MD5 and NTLM with Graphics Processing Unit

Crack MD4 MD5 NTLM
CUDA-Multiforcer is too you can use to crack  MD4, MD5 or NTLM with Brute Force by using your Graphics processing unit (GPU), of your Nvidia video card G8X series or more. This tool runs under Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
A video card NVIDIA series G8x or more with all the drivers installed and working properly.

First download the software and unzip it in a directory, then run a shell command:
. / CUDA-Multiforce -h hash (type) -f (file) hash -c ) (character -min (length) min -max max (length)
Hash (type) -> MD4, MD5 or NTLM.
Hash (file) -> text file with a hash per line.
(Character) -> file containing the characters to use.
Min (length) -> minimum length of password to find (optional).
Max (length) -> Maximum length of password to find (Option).

An exemple:

export "1d41c853af58d3a7ae54990ce29417d8" >hasf
export charset="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" >charset
./CUDA-Multiforcer -h MD5 -f hashf -c charset --min 5 --max 7

PNY Technologies NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT Graphics Processing Unit (256 MB, DDR3)
