Jun 12, 2010

Twitter Money Making Method

It turns out that Twitter, the wildly popular microblogging service, can be used to turn a profit. So
I would like to share with you my way of making money with twitter. So let's start
We will need twitter account and paypal account.

First go to Twollo, login with your twitter account and enter a couple of popular keywords like: games,iphone, apple, game, gaming, playstation, xbox ect.(be creative)
People will be automaticly added to your account. Just add 10 – 20 popular terms and close the window.
Very important: When you add a popular term, also choose 'an unlimited amount off' instead of 'up to 10'. Close the window!
Then go to buzzom, login with your twitter and click on grow, select all the people and click again on grow.
Do this as often as you can because there is a daily restriction.

As soon as you got more than 25 followers, go to twtad, and start earning money by tweeting ads .

99 Ways To Make Money Using Twitter
