Calls to other countries will be priced in accordance with this rate table. If you don’t presently have money in a Google account, you’ll need to add it by clicking on your credit balance and adding credit using Google Check-out.
If you’re curious in testing the function, you’ll first require to install Google’s 22 MB voice and video package from here, the phone icon will appear at the top of your chat list if it’s enabled for you. Click on that and you’ll be taken to a panel where you can punch in phone numbers. If you’re concerned in getting calls in Gmail, the setup is a little more involved: You’ll have to set up a Google Voice account, make at least one outgoing call from Gmail, and follow these instructions.
One final random tidbit: If you’re Canadian, you can use the new service by changing your Gmail settings to English – US.
Under, Google’s demonstration video:
Google Gmail